The process of reaching 0.18.0 got stalled mid-way through, and there are deprecation warnings and other difficulties which prevent Celluloid from functioning smoothly for all dependent gems.

The goal is to get Celluloid to a place where it can skip 0.18.0 and be within reach of 1.0, and possibly attract a new maintainer to take over from the previous maintainer to take the gem further.

RubyGSOC 2020 Final Report

(Add your final report here)

Status Updates

Week 3 (06/19/2020)

  1. What did you accomplish this past week?
    • (add your accomplishments)
  2. What will you do this upcoming week?
    • (add your tasks for next week)
  3. What obstacles are impeding your progress?
    • (list any obstacles)
  4. Would you like help from some mentor for this task?
    • (list any help you need)